
story The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

story The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

One beautiful summer's day, the City Mouse went to visit his cousin the Country Mouse.

story The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

The Country Mouse had a humble home. He ate plain food like corn and peas. The City Mouse was not impressed.
No, Sir!

"Cousin, come with me to the wonderful city," said the City Mouse. The Country Mouse agreed, and they set off together.

story The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

"Oh my!" said the Country Mouse when he saw his cousin's grand home.

story The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

"A feast awaits us!" said the City Mouse proudly. The cousins secretly began to eat wonderful, delicious foods like ham and chocolate cake.

Suddenly, they heard noises. A cat with sharp claws appeared.

story The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Just in time, the mice escaped inside a small hole in the wall.

story The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

The Country Mouse decided that the city was not for him. He made his way back to his simple home where he was safe and happy.

Vocabulary 01-07-2023 09:15:16pmView: 787

Categories: Vocabulary

Grammar Contents

Lesson: 1 What is Noun
Lesson: 2 What is pronoun
Lesson: 3 Article
Lesson: 4 Use of These, Those, This, That
Lesson: 5 Use of There
Lesson: 6 Use of It
Lesson: 7 Use of is, am, are
Lesson: 8 Use of Was / Were
Lesson: 9 Use of Has / Have / Had
Lesson: 10 Present Indefinite Tense
Lesson: 11 Present Continuous Tense
Lesson: 12 Present Perfect Tense
Lesson: 13 Present Perfect Continuous
Lesson: 14 Past Indefinite Tense
Lesson: 15 Past Continuous Tense
Lesson: 16 Past Perfect Tense
Lesson: 17 Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Lesson: 18 Future indefinite tense
Lesson: 19 Future continuous Tense
Lesson: 20 Future Perfect Tense
Lesson: 21 Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Lesson: 22 Active Voice Passive Voice 1
Lesson: 23 Active Voice Passive Voice 2
Lesson: 24 Active Voice Passive Voice 3
Lesson: 25 Use of Can
Lesson: 26 Use of Could
Lesson: 27 Use of May
Lesson: 28 Use of Might
Lesson: 29 Use of Would
Lesson: 30 Use of Should
Lesson: 31 Use of Must
Lesson: 32 Use of Let
Lesson: 33 Use of a / an
Lesson: 34 Use of The
Lesson: 35 Use of have to
Lesson: 36 Use of Of
Lesson: 37 Use of Off
Lesson: 38 Use of Infinitive / To

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